Namespace: Bindings

WinJSContrib. Bindings

Custom WinJS Bindings



<static> pictureUnavailable

path for default picture



<static> addClass(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

Binding function to add css class named after object property. You could format class by using a "format" argument

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> asClass(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

add css class based on a prefix defined with destProperty and the value from the source object

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> bindingArguments(element, argument)

Helper for reading arguments for an element

Name Type Description
element HTMLElement
argument string



<static> calendar(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

format date using calendar function

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> dataAttr(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

Binding function to add a data-* attribute to the element. Use the destination name to specifiy attribute name

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding

//assuming object is { myproperty: 42 }
//will result to

<static> daysSinceDate(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

display number of days since a date

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> disableIf(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

disable element if property is filled or true

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> ellipsisize(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

truncate a string and add ellipse to the text if string is longer than a limit. The max size of text is determined by a 'ellipsisize' argument

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding

{@lang xml}

<static> enableIf(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

enable element if property is filled or true

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> formatDate(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

format date using binding argument 'formatDate'

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> hideIf(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

hide element if property is filled or true. The dest property can be used to choose what to use for showing/hiding object (opacity, visibility, or display)

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> hideIfNot(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

Alias for WinJSContrib.Bindings.showIf, just for semantic purpose

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> humanizeDate(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

apply moment.js humanize formatting on a date. Use 'humanizeFormat' and 'addSuffix' arguments to configure binding

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> itemTap(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

Add tap by looking for a function in parent scope control, and add binded item to tap callback

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> picture(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

Asynchronously load a picture (using src for image tag and background-image for other elements) from url path, and add 'imageLoaded' css class once picture is ready. You could rely on '.imageLoaded' to add transitions for image loading

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> removeHTML(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

Binding function to remove HTML from data and add it to destination

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> removeHTMLAndEllipsisize(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

Binding function to remove HTML from data and add it to destination with an ellipse after X characters. The number of characters is specified with "ellipsisize" argument

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> showClassIf(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

add css class based on truthy/falsy value from the source object css class has to be precised through data-win-bind-args='{"className": ""}' attribute

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> showIf(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

show element if property is filled or true. The dest property can be used to choose what to use for showing/hiding object (opacity, visibility, or display)

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> showIfNot(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

Alias for WinJSContrib.Bindings.hideIf, just for semantic purpose

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> staticHTML(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

Binding function to remove HTML from data and add it to destination with an ellipse after X characters. The number of characters is specified with "ellipsisize" argument

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> toBgImage(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

convert a url string for use as a background image url

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> toWidth(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

apply a percent number as width (in percent) on the element

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding


<static> twoWayOnChange(source, sourceProperty, dest, destProperty)

Two way binding triggered by "change" event on inputs

Name Type Description
source Object

object owning data

sourceProperty string[]

path to object data

dest HTMLElement

DOM element targeted by binding

destProperty string[]

path to DOM element property targeted by binding
